Hi and welcome to the Empower Disc Level 3 Members Area where you will find all the online content included with this membership!

Empower Disc Level 3 (Empower Systems) is an upgrade from Level 2 and includes lots of additional content. This level teaches you about individual systems and techniques developed through our ongoing research program.

Empower Systems: is the result of analysing the processes and discoveries behind the latest cutting edge research in various therapies and sciences. We take these concepts and theories and convert these positive processes into a set of instructions that the Higher Self can act on.


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Please download read and activate the processes within each manual in sequence beginning with the YES/NO Method.



Welcome to the amazing Problem Shrinker, one of the quickest and most effective ways of resolving all kinds of emotional, behavioural and thought-based issues. Please click on the links below in sequence and follow the process step by step.

The Problem Shrinker works in a very specific way and it is very important the you follow the process step by step. The Process will not work if you try to shortcut it or if you don't follow the instructions properly. Please read the following instructions and make sure you understand them BEFORE activating the process.



Please and follow the instructions 1 to 4 before you activate any programs!

What is the Problem Shrinker?
The Problem Shrinker is a Simple way of making you feel better in a couple of minutes! This Application is exclusively designed to work in conjunction with compatible devices such as the Empower Disc, and the Empower Practitioner Disc.

Letting Go Of The Past
When you are asked to remember an emotional experience, positive or negative, you search for the memory in your mind’s eye. As soon as you start to recall the experience it brings up emotions, positive or negative, that you may have had at that time. If it was a very positive experience you can often feel an immediate physical change taking place even if it happened a long time ago. The same thing happens for a negative memory, and there lies the problem. All it takes is a feeling, a picture or a conversation to trigger a memory that makes you feel bad in a matter of seconds.

Believe it or not, most of a person’s present days issues are a result of negative memories being stimulated, often on an entirely unconscious level. When we trigger a memory, our body reacts as if the experience was actually happening. In these situations you haven’t deliberately tried to remember the experience, but the memory has been stimulated due to something you have seen, felt, heard or even smelled. In many cases a person has no idea what’s just happened, they simply and inexplicably feel bad for no apparent reason. Sometimes these bad feelings don’t go away on their own for various reasons depending on what’s happening in your life and how much stress you are under.

How the Problem Shrinker Works
Imagine your mind is an enormous cave and your emotions are like lit candles! Every time you experience an emotion, a candle equal to the intensity of that emotion is lit and you react accordingly, positively or negatively. When you are overwhelmed with joy and your cave is full of positive light a small negative emotional issue cannot touch or influence you. However, if your cave is dark the smallest light created by a negative emotion draws your attention and awareness to it, fanning the flames and allowing it to grow bigger.

The Problem Shrinker in conjunction with the RESET process allows you to light a positive emotional candle in your cave and use it to light thousands of smaller candles flooding your cave with a positive light so powerful that it washes away and neutralises any negative emotion that dares to enter. We are going to use your positive experiences to light a candle by getting you to recall these experience and using our amazing technology flood your cave with a light so powerful that it acts like a washing machine for any negative feelings you may have. Once you create this Emotional Washing Machine and install it, it will be available to you for the rest of your life; whenever you feel bad all you need to do is switch it on.

The Problem Shrinker System in conjunction with Empower Technology creates a kind of Emotional Washing Machine that you can use to neutralise the symptoms and the cause of most emotional issues. It is very easy to operate and you don’t even need to communicate with your Higher Self in order to resolve your problem.


  • Stage One: Preparation
  • Stage Two: Installation
  • Stage Three: Activation

Stage One: Preparation

 During the preparation stage we need to identify:

  • The negative emotions associated with the a specific problem
  • Once we identify any negative emotions we need to think about the emotional and what the exact opposite would be

Stage Two: Installation

Stage Two involves installing a kind of emotional washing machine which will neutralise any negative emotional states you put into it. When you install your own emotional washing machine you'll be able to resolve all kinds of emotional and/or thought-based issues in a fraction of the normal time.

Stage Three: Activation

Once you have installed your own emotional washing machine I will show you how you can use it to resolve the typical issues people develop.

  • How to Remove Obsessive Thoughts
  • How to Remove Irrational Fears
  • How to Remove Performance Anxiety
  • How to Overcome Low Self Esteem
  • How to Overcome Addictions

After you understand the Basics I will show you how to adapt the Problem Shrinker to resolve your specific issue. You are now ready to move to the preparation stage.


To wash your clothes you need a detergent to dissolve the stains, and that detergent needs to be up to the task. When dealing with the mind all you really need to understand is the strongest emotion always wins.

To create the right detergent we need to use powerful positive emotions to neutralise the negative ones. You cannot feel hysterically happy and sad at the same time, as the more powerful emotion always wins. The idea is to create a detergent for your emotional washing machine using powerful positive emotions. The mind is an amazing tool, but often is its own worst enemy, and that’s why mere positive thinking or subconscious suggestions, are not usually enough to permanently resolve a serious emotional issue. We need something far more powerful – and that’s where Empower Technology and its ability to trigger a RESET can come in!

Before we can create the right kind of emotional detergent for our emotional washing machine it’s important to identify what kind of negative emotions (stains) we are trying to remove. So if you are feeling down for whatever reason, all I want you to do right now is to make a list of the emotions you are feeling right now. I don’t just want you to write down the negative emotions you feel justified in having that are directly related to the problem, I want you to write down all the negative emotions that you feel when you experience the problem/situation/thought/feeling. Whatever they may be, write a list now:


  • Angry
  • Frustrated
  • Jealous
  • Apathy
  • Upset
  • Victimised
  • Embarrassed
  • Ashamed
  • Out of balance
  • Unhealthy


Now I want you to write the emotions that are the exact opposite of each of those on your list. It’s very important to use the emotion that makes sense to you! If you’re not sure don’t worry, simply use the entire list below as your ingredients.


  • Angry – Calm
  • Frustrated – In Control
  • Jealous – Free
  • Apathy – Excitement
  • Upset – Happy
  • Victimised – Powerful
  • Embarrassed – Confident
  • Ashamed – Proud
  • Out of balance – At Peace/In Balance
  • Unhealthy – At your Healthiest

Once you have done this you can move on to the next stage Installation by clicking the button below


Installing your Own Emotional Washing Machine
Now you have your list of positive emotions, you are ready to create your emotional washing machine. All you now need to do is go through your list and think of a time (any time) in your life when you felt each of the positive emotions on your list. I recommend you make a little note at the side of each emotion to help you recall the event later on.


  • Angry – Calm
  • Frustrated – In Control
  • Jealous – Free
  • Apathy – Excitement
  • Upset – Happy
  • Victimised – Powerful
  • Embarrassed – Confident
  • Ashamed – Proud
  • Out of balance – At Peace/In Balance
  • Unhealthy – At your Healthies

Understanding the Process
In a couple of minutes I am going to show you HOW to create your own Emotional Washing Machine but before we do it is VERY important that you understand exactly what you're going to be doing.

Basic Operating Instructions
The Problem Shrinker itself is a simple animation and all you do is position the centre of your PC screen approximately 6 to 10 inches away from your nose.

What's going to happen
When the animation starts you will notice a black ball in the middle of the screen. The idea is to keep your head perfectly still while you follow the ball around the screen by moving your eyes only. It’s very important that you feel a little eye stretch when the ball goes into the corners of the screen. If your screen is too far away from your nose your eyes muscles will not be able to stretch and the Problem Shrinker won't be as effective. I recommend that people use PC screens that are at least 11 inches.

What do you think about?
When you are ready to create your Emotional Washing Machine all you do is think of the time when you felt the positive emotion on your list while simultaneously watching the black ball move across the screen - it is very important to focus on the ball when you do this. If you are long-sighted and wear spectacles for reading, leave them on. If you are short-sighted, just see what feel more comfortable, it will all depend on your prescription. Some people move their head when they try this for the first time and it's very important that you don’t do this.

How long does it take?
To create your Emotional Washing Machine you need to think of a time when you felt really Happy for example and keep the event in your memory as you complete 3 circuits of the Problem Shrinker. You should repeat this process for each of the positive emotions on your list. If you intend to use all the positive emotions on the above list you will only need to install your emotional washing machine once. If however you decide not to install all the positive emotions on the above list you will need to repeat this installation process repeatedly for the various issues that you want to resolve. My advice is to install all the positive emotions on the above list which may take a little longer but in the long run it will save you lots of time.

Are you ready to create an Emotional Washing Machine?
Before you can create your Emotional Washing Machine you will need to have your list of positive events/situations ready to go.

Create your Emotional Washing Machine
Below you will see a video which you will need to expand to FULL screen size. Position the centre of your screen 6 to 10 inches away from the tip of your nose. Think of the first event on your list and press Play. As you think of the event follow the black ball as it moves around the screen keeping your head perfectly still and only moving your eyes - remember, you need to be close enough to feel your eye muscles gently stretching. The video will repeat 3 separate circuits of the Problem Shrinker and you need to be think about the experience as you move round 3 times.


Repeat this for each of the experiences on your list. Once you have done this you can move onto the next stage Activating Problem Shrinker and resolving a specific issue.


Overview of what's happened so far!

During Stage One (Preparation), you identified and wrote down the various negative emotional states that you experience. Then you wrote down the opposite of each of the negative emotions; sadness converts to happiness, etc. At the end of this process you would have ended up with 2 lists, one positive and the other negative. To create a powerful emotional washing machine we need the information contained within the list of positive emotions.

During Stage Two (Installation) I explained how you could use your list of positive emotional states to create an emotional washing machine by thinking about a specific positive emotion/event while following the Problem Shrinker animation. This installation process amplifies the positive emotional state associated with a specific positive experience and installs it within your neurology in multiple locations. Once installed, we can use it like an Emotional Washing Machine to neutralise negative emotional states, obsessive thinking, and a lot more.

What happens during the Activation Process?

Now you have Installed your Emotional Washing Machine, you are ready to activate the Problem Shrinker animation and resolve your issues as well as remove any psychological blockages that may be holding you back at the moment.

To remove unwanted negative emotions associated with a past event, all you have to do is think about the negative situation/experience (past or present) as you watch the Problem Shrinker Video/Animation. The way you look at the animation is the same as when you first installed your Emotional Washing Machine. Most people find that they are unable to hold onto the negative emotions associated with their past experience and those emotions are replaced by a feeling of indifference. Some people find that they start laughing when they think of a negative experience from the past. In some cases, if you created a really good set of ingredients for the mental detergent in your emotional washing machine, it is possible to get amazing and permanent results in less than 3 minutes.

Testing if the process has worked properly

After completing 3 circuits of the Problem Shrinker, wait 5 minutes. You can get up, move around a bit, do something to distract yourself as you wait. Then after 5 minutes think of a situation which you would have previously triggered negative emotions and see if they are still there. If they have completely gone when you think of the situation that’s great, but if they are still there, even slightly, just repeat the Problem Shrinker then wait another 5 minutes and repeat this test. Keep repeating the Problem Shrinker as necessary until your negative emotions are completely gone.

When you activate the Problem Shrinker make sure you do 3 full circuits even if you are unable to feel your negative emotions after one. If you have used all the positive experiences on your list and also included the extra ones in mine, you will be able to use the Problem Shrinker to resolve all kinds of emotional issues. If you have only included the experiences and emotions associated with a specific negative state, you will have to repeat the process for each issue that you would like to resolve. My advice is, if you haven’t already done so, create an Emotional Washing Machine that includes all the positive emotions and experiences on the list I provided.

Activating Your Emotional Washing Machine

OK, if you are ready to get started please feel free to do so by activating the Problem Shrinker Video/animation below. Remember, think about an event that would trigger a negative emotional response and hold the negative emotional state in your mind as you activate the Problem Shrinker. Because you now have an emotional Washing Machine, activating the Problem Shrinker disconnects the negative emotions associated with the experience from the memory of that experience. Once you have removed the negative emotions associated with your past experience you will start to feel better FAST.

Repeat the process for every past experience that's causing you a problem right now


There’s a lot more you can do with this amazing technology, and in the next tutorial I am going to show you how you can get an instant sense of well-being, so when you are ready please scroll down

Now you are getting the idea! The Problem Shrinker works by neutralising negative emotions but it is also an amplification system for positive emotional states.

If you simply think about feeling happy as you activate the Problem Shrinker, the happy feeling will grow and grow, but this is just the beginning. If you think of a time when you had lots of positive energy, what do you think will happen? YES, your energy levels will go up. The same thing will happen for any positive emotions! Why don’t you try it and see for yourself. Here’s a list of positive emotions - pick a couple and see what happens when you activate the Problem Shrinker while remembering a time when you felt the emotion, e.g. happy.


  • Happy
  • Confident
  • Full of positive energy
  • Physically Strong
  • Calm and Relaxed
  • Connected with a greater power
  • In tune with your surroundings
  • Having a good conversation
  • Watching or listening to your favourite pop star/artist

Now whenever you are feeling down for whatever reason you have a quick way of getting back to emotional fitness.


But that’s not all, in the next tutorial I am going to show you How to get Rid of Obsessive Thoughts


We can all get a bit obsessive from time to time, however for some people this can be a serious problem that affects their behaviour and relationships. The Problem Shrinker can be very effective in putting a stop to inappropriate and obsessive thoughts.

Let's say a person is in a relationship that ends abruptly for whatever reason, and as a result, they are unable to get that person or something they have done out of their mind. This is quite a common problem, and as human beings we feel a need to explain or justify our situation and why it occurred. We all know emotions are illogical and that trying to explain them is often an impossibility. Logical people can turn into emotional wrecks within minutes when they hear someone say something that they really don’t want to hear; we have all been there at least once in our lives.

The need to make sense of an emotionally charged situation can lead to obsessive thoughts and thinking, as well as behaviour that we are likely to regret later. The first thing to do when you are having obsessive thoughts is to acknowledge them. You can do this quite easily by saying to yourself, “that’s interesting” every time you find yourself having an obsessive thought. By saying “that’s interesting” you are acknowledging the thought and creating a conscious buffer that can make it easier to control.

Once you are aware that you are having an obsessive thought, you will also realise that the thought was a result of the emotion that preceded it. You could have felt: angry, frustrated, confused, anxious, upset, intimidated, victimised, or a combination of these kinds of emotions. When you realise that it's your emotions that are responsible for your obsessive thoughts, you will understand that by neutralising the negative emotions associated with the person or situation, you can regain self control.

The process is exactly the same as before, and all you have to do is identify the negative emotions you are having which would typically be:

  • Jealousy
  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • Embarrassment
  • Loss of credibility
  • Loss of self-esteem
  • Loss of self-worth
  • Defensiveness
  • Ashamed
  • Malice
  • Victimisation
  • Confusion
  • Intimidation
  • Upset
  • Sad
  • A hole in your heart
  • A sense of loss
  • A sense of separation
  • A feeling of being drained
  • Feeling of being tired
  • Feeling worthless

Endless Possibilities
The potential list goes on and on so it's important that you sit down and start thinking about your negative emotions and write a list. It makes no difference how many negative emotions you are experiencing, just get a piece of paper and write them all down now.

Once you have your list it's easy, all you need to do is identify the opposites (emotional state) as before; Sad to happy, Confused to Clarity, etc. Make your list of opposites and when you are finished make a note of a time when you felt the opposite to the current negative emotional state. Do this for all the emotions on your list. As before, all you do is create an Emotional Washing Machine using the opposite positive emotions. If you don’t remember how to do this, just click here to go back to the previous tutorial on how to create an Emotional Washing Machine.

Once you have created an Emotional Washing Machine for the negative emotions associated with your obsessive thoughts you can neutralize your obsessive thoughts by thinking about the person and / or situation while activating the Problem Shrinker.


If you have created a powerful Emotional Washing Machine using both lists of positive emotions, mine and yours, you do not have to repeat the Preparation and Installation Stages and you can go straight to the Activation and Testing Stages.


  • Stage One: Identify your Negative Emotions and as before make a list of all the negative emotions you experience when you have performance anxiety.
  • Stage Two: Identify Opposite Positive Emotions and as before convert your list of negative emotions to a list of opposite positive emotions.


  • As before think about past situations where you felt the positive emotions on your list and make a note of each event to remind you. Now create an Emotional Washing Machine by thinking about each event whilst following the black ball. Make 3 circuits as before for each positive experience.


  • Think of the situation where you would normally have Obsessive Thoughts and as you do so activate the Problem Shrinker

Testing Phase:

  • After completing 3 circuits of the Problem Shrinker, wait 5 minutes - you can get up, move around a bit, do something to distract yourself as you wait. Then after 5 minutes think of a situation which you would have previously triggered negative emotions and see if they are still there. If they have completely gone when you think of the situation, that’s great, but if they are still there, even slightly, just repeat the Problem Shrinker then wait another 5 minutes and repeat this test. Keep repeating the Problem Shrinker as necessary until your negative emotions are completely gone.



But that's not all you can do with the Problem Shrinker. In the next tutorial I am going to show you How to Remove Irrational Fears


Irrational fear is very common and is caused by a lack of perceived control over a situation, a person, a health issue, or a potential future event, etc. The key to removing an irrational fear is the acceptance of any situation that you have absolutely no control over. This is easy to say but hard to do for most people, but by using the Problem Shrinker it is possible to dramatically reduce irrational fear.

The process is exactly the same as before, all you do is think about the emotions you may have associated with the irrational fear, emotions like:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Panic
  • Distress
  • Worry
  • Confusion

As with all emotions there are often negative physical symptoms: breathing difficulties, aches and pains, especially in the back or stomach, headaches, skin problems, etc. Get rid of the negative emotions associated with your irrational fears and you will get relief from physical physical symptoms as well as from the fear itself.

Think of the situation about which you are having irrational thoughts as you activate the Problem Shrinker



The Problem Shrinker is truly a versatile tool and can be used to resolve lots of different issues for example: Performance Anxiety. Scroll down to learn more.


Performance Anxiety is when you allow your negative expectations and emotions to create stress that reduces your confidence levels and triggers unwanted physical symptoms and/or undesirable behaviours that could reduce your ability to perform to your full potential. This can happen on a physical, mental and/or emotional level. The Problem Shrinker is a great way for aspiring actors, athletes and students, etc, to eliminate their performance anxiety.

Self-Limiting Beliefs

Performance anxiety is all about negative expectation, so I want you to think about the emotions you are having when you’re getting anxious about a specific performance-related event. Many people are not immediately aware of their emotions but do experience negative thoughts or what I like to call negative Self Talk. Negative Self Talk is when you start “What IF-ing” yourself by allowing the voice in your head to talk, and list all your self limiting beliefs.

  • I can't do this
  • I’m going to make a mistake
  • Someone's going to realise I don’t know what I am talking about
  • Who am I to think I know the answer?
  • I am too nervous
  • I am too shy
  • I going to lose it
  • I won't remember what I want to say
  • I am physically weaker than those other people
  • What if they don’t like what they see?
  • Other people are a lot better than me
  • Why do I put myself in these situations?
  • How can I escape?
  • I've got a headache
  • Will they notice that I'm _________?

We have a great way of getting rid of self-limiting beliefs through the Higher Self (see Self-Limiting Beliefs) but you can also remove them using the Problem Shrinker. When your Self Talk is full of self-limiting beliefs it is because of the way you feel, and there are emotional triggers for every self limiting belief on your personal list. To remove Performance Anxiety, all you need to do is focus on your emotions – forget the self limiting belief for the moment and focus on your emotions and how you are FEELING. Now in the same way as before, write a list of your negative emotions:

  • Inadequate
  • Worthless
  • Embarrassed
  • Weak
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Panic
  • Distress
  • Worry
  • Confusion

As with all emotions there are often negative physical symptoms; breathing difficulties, aches and pains, especially in the back or stomach, headaches, skin problems, etc. Get rid of the negative emotions associated with your performance anxiety and you will get relief from physical physical symptoms as well as the anxiety itself.


If you have created a powerful Emotional Washing Machine using both lists of positive emotions, mine and yours, you do not have to repeat the Preparation and Installation Stages and can go straight to the Activation and Testing Stages.

  • Preparation 
    • Stage One: Identify your Negative Emotions and as before make a list of all the negative emotions you experience when you have performance anxiety.
    • Stage Two: Identify Opposite Positive Emotions and as before convert your list of negative emotions to a list of opposite positive emotions.
  •  Installation 
    • As before, think about past situations where you felt the positive emotions on your list and make a note of each event to remind you. Now create an Emotional Washing Machine by thinking about each event whilst following the black ball. Make 3 circuits as before for each positive experience.
  •  Activation
    • Think of the situation about which you are experiencing performance anxiety and as you do so activate the Problem Shrinker
  • Testing Phase
    • After completing 3 circuits of the Problem Shrinker wait 5 minutes, you can get up, move around a bit, do something to distract yourself as you wait. Then after 5 minutes, think of a situation which you would have previously triggered negative emotions and see if they are still there. If they have completely gone when you think of the situation that’s great, but if they are still there, even slightly, just repeat the Problem Shrinker then wait another 5 minutes and repeat this test. Keep repeating the Problem Shrinker as necessary until your negative emotions are completely gone



The Problem Shrinker is truly a versatile tool and can be used to resolve lots of different issues, for example: Low Self-Esteem scroll down to learn more.


Low Self-Esteem is all about the way you perceive yourself on a physical, mental and emotional level. It is related to your perception of self-worth and what you believe you are capable of achieving. Most of the time low self-esteem is the result of childhood experiences, the comments of other people, and how we have reacted to them at that moment in time. We are all different, so it makes sense that we can react and feel differently depending on what has happened to us.

Low Self-Esteem

Sometimes we don’t remember the situations from the past that have caused our self-esteem issues, but usually it's because of an experience with someone we respected, admired or loved. It can be as simple as your parents telling you "you could do better!" Although this could have been meant as an encouragement, that’s not the way you reacted to it.

It could be that a teacher at school, frustrated with your behaviour or the behaviour of some other student, made an off-the-cuff remark that triggered self-esteem issues. It could also be caused by a sexual or perceived sexual encounter, where you felt rejected or were made to feel insignificant or worthless. The details don’t really matter when using the Problem Shrinker, unlike “Talking Therapies” such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, you don’t need to be aware of the details surrounding past events in order to resolve the issues they have caused. Dragging up past experiences in an uncontrolled environment can potentially exacerbate the problem. The Problem Shrinker works in an entirely different way - by getting rid of the negative emotions associated with past experiences. In this way you can begin to disassociate yourself from your perception of the emotions surrounding a past experience, and thereby neutralise the negative impact.

As with performance anxiety, low self-esteem can be exacerbated by Negative Self Talk and self limiting beliefs. Get rid of the negative emotions associated with a self esteem issue and the Self Talk disappears and”What If?” can turn into “I Can if I want!”

Common Negative Emotions

To get rid of low self-esteem, all you need to do is focus on your emotions and how you are FEELING. Now in the same way as before, write a list of your negative emotions:

  • Inadequate
  • Worthless
  • Embarrassed
  • Weak
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Panic
  • Distress
  • Worry
  • Confusion

As with all emotions, there are often negative physical symptoms: low energy, aches and pains, especially in the back or stomach, headaches, skin problems, etc. Get rid of the negative emotions associated with your low self-esteem and you will also get relief from the physical symptoms.


If you have created a powerful Emotional Washing Machine using both lists of positive emotions, mine and yours, you do not have to repeat the Preparation and Installation Stages and can go straight to the Activation and Testing Stages.

  • Preparation 
    • Stage One: Identify your Negative Emotions and as before make a list of all the negative emotions you experience when you have performance anxiety.
    • Stage Two: Identify Opposite Positive Emotions and as before convert your list of negative emotions to a list of opposite positive emotions.
  •  Installation 
    • As before, think about past situations where you felt the positive emotions on your list and make a note of each event to remind you. Now create an Emotional Washing Machine by thinking about each event whilst following the black ball. Make 3 circuits as before for each positive experience.
  •  Activation
    • Think of the situation about which you are experiencing low self-esteem and as you do so activate the Problem Shrinker
  • Testing Phase:
    • After completing 3 circuits of the Problem Shrinker wait 5 minutes, you can get up, move around a bit, do something to distract yourself as you wait. Then after 5 minutes think of a situation which you would have previously triggered negative emotions and see if they are still there. If they have completely gone when you think of the situation that’s great, but if they are still there, even slightly, just repeat the Problem Shrinker then wait another 5 minutes and repeat this test. Keep repeating the Problem Shrinker as necessary until your negative emotions are completely gone.



The Problem Shrinker is truly a versatile tool and can be used to resolve lots of different issues for example: Additions scroll down to learn more


Addictions is a huge subject and because you can adapt the Problem Shrinker to any situation it’s an ideal way to start resolving your addiction issue.

Addiction is a complex issue but on a very simplistic level it always starts with a perceived emotional or physical need. Something is missing and all a person wants is a bit of relief from whatever that may mean for them. Everyone has an addiction of one kind or another, but it’s only an issue when it has a negative impact on your life.

When you feel the need for whatever the focus of your addiction may be, an array of negative emotions can be experienced. These emotions are your body's and unconscious mind’s way of getting you to act out your addictive behaviour. The cause of the behaviour is irrelevant at this stage, although there is often a tendency for a person to focus on it in order to understand and justify the addiction. At this stage when an addiction has such a powerful hold on a person, it is best to work on getting relief from the obsessive nature of the addiction rather than trying to deal with the underlying causes. Once a person is free from the negative aspects of their addiction, it is much easier to deal with the underling causes, which may be varied.

So for now, forget about why you have your addition, and focus your attention on the emotions that trigger your addictive behavioural response. In other words, think about the emotions you feel prior to acting out your addiction.

  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Anticipation
  • Stress
  • Confusion
  • Upset
  • Sad
  • A hole in your heart
  • A sense of loss
  • A sense of separation
  • A feeling of being drained
  • Feeling of being tired
  • Feeling out of control
  • Not responsible
  • Fatalistic
  • Self-destructive
  • Worthless
  • Undesirable
  • Shy
  • Unable to cope

The list goes on and on, so it’s important that you sit down and start thinking about your negative emotions and write a list. It makes no difference how many negative emotions you are experiencing, just get a piece of paper and write them all down now.

Once you have your list it's easy, all you need to do is identify the opposite (emotional state) as before: Sad to Happy, Confused to Clarity, etc. Make your list of opposites and when you are finished make a note of a time when you felt the opposite to the current negative emotional state. Do this for all the emotions on your list. As before, all you do is create an Emotional Washing Machine using the opposite positive emotions and associated positive experience.

Once you have created an Emotional Washing Machine for the negative emotions associated with your addiction you can neutralize your obsessive thoughts by thinking about how you feel prior to acting out your addictive behaviour while activating the Problem Shrinker.


If you have created a powerful Emotional Washing Machine using both lists of positive emotions, mine and yours, you do not have to repeat the Preparation and Installation Stages and can go straight to the Activation and Testing Stages.

  • Preparation 
    • Stage One: Identify your Negative Emotions and as before make a list of all the negative emotions you experience when you have performance anxiety.
    • Stage Two: Identify Opposite Positive Emotions and as before convert your list of negative emotions to a list of opposite positive emotions.
  •  Installation 
    • As before think about past situations where you felt the positive emotions on your list and make a note of each event to remind you. Now create an Emotional Washing Machine by thinking about each event whilst following the black ball. Make 3 circuits as before for each positive experience.
  •  Activation
    • Think of the situation where you would normally behave in an addictive manner and as you do so activate the Problem Shrinker
  • Testing Phase:
    • After completing 3 circuits of the Problem Shrinker wait 5 minutes, you can get up, move around a bit, do something to distract yourself as you wait. Then after 5 minutes think of a situation which you would have previously triggered negative emotions and see if they are still there. If they have completely gone when you think of the situation that’s great, but if they are still there, even slightly, just repeat the Problem Shrinker then wait another 5 minutes and repeat this test. Keep repeating the Problem Shrinker as necessary until your negative emotions are completely gone.

With addiction it may take a while before the effect is permanent, usually a minimum of 28 days, so repeat the process every day for at least 28 days!





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