
Thank you for purchasing one or more IntroDiscs. You should receive it/them very soon.

If you are proposing to give it/them to friends or relatives it is vitally important that they register as members in their own right in order to be able to gain access to all the appropriate online content that will allow them to gain maximum benefit from your kind gift.

We have devised a very simple method of making this possible:

Once you are sure you friend or relative has received the IntroDisc (please don’t forget to include the explanatory Gift Card/booklet with your gift), simply COPY THE TEXT BELOW AND PASTE IT INTO AN EMAIL TO THEM:

Before using the Empower IntroDisc I gave you recently, it is important that you register yourself as its new owner as soon as possible. This will give you access to the appropriate part of the Members Area on the Empower website which contains the Instruction Manual, Tutorials, Videos and a raft of useful information that will allow you to get maximum benefit from your IntroDisc. Simply go to and complete the online Registration form - it’s very simple and will only take a couple of minutes. You will be asked for the Username of the Member that gave you the IntroDisc - please put as the answer to that question. With the help of the IntroDisc you are about to start a journey that will see you becoming the best possible version of you. Enjoy!


Copyright Coby Zvikler 1994 to 2017

The Empower Disc is only available through registered Empower Heath Ambassador or Practitioners. The Empower Disc is not a cure or even a treatment, it is an amazing Self-Communication & Self-Healing System, we make no claims regarding a specific outcome but offer a full 30-Day Money back Guarantee. Please read our terms & conditions as well as disclaimer before purchase.