In 1989 I accidentally discovered how to help people instantly trigger Higher Self communication without the need to meditate or follow any pre-existing process. As you know after Higher Self communication is established you can self heal most problems using specifically worded commands said out loud. I have written several manuals containing specific programs as well as developed ways to short-cut the installation and activation process. Each new program is tested by existing Empower Disc users and refined based on the feedback received.
Recently we tested the new Epigenetics and Body Systems programs with what I can only describe as miraculous feedback from many participants.
As you may know I’ve been researching into self-healing, personal development as well as many other so-called esoteric subjects for over 28 years - releasing updates as and when it felt appropriate.
You may have noticed the Empower System is now working faster than ever and that people worldwide are opening up to the idea that we are more than just a physical body. I’ve seen personal trainers, healers and others who would have previously dismissed this phenomenon jumping on the bandwagon and developing successful businesses guiding seekers of inner wisdom and understanding. I am always open to and happy to support anyone who has a mission to positively assist others using their gifts and know many people who do exactly that.
When I tune into people with genuine and unique abilities the first thing I notice is that their body naturally resonates at a slightly different frequency to most other people. In many cases they just have to stand near others and it triggers a response. Sometimes healing occurs spontaneously with no effort whatsoever and in other cases the person simply has to shift their awareness to activate the process.
In March of 2007 I discovered that these frequencies were a unique combination of 3 or more of what I like to call “Base Frequencies” of which there are 12. Like the frequency that can connect people to their Higher Self, every person with an amazing and unique talent for healing or other extrasensory capability uses these base frequencies when accessing their abilities.
As the Disc is capable of helping a person access this incredible process and use these Base Frequencies I feel the time is finally right to share this information with Disc users who feel they are ready!
This course will show you how to activate and use these frequencies to dramatically enhance the self healing process on all levels.
Course Information
If you are interested in exploring the frequency activation process and participating in this two-day self-enlightenment course you can book your place below.
SATURDAY (21st September 2019)
09:45am: Registration
10:00am: Start
13:00pm: Lunch
17:45pm: Finish
SUNDAY (22nd September 2019)
09:15am: Start
13:00pm: Lunch
17:00pm: Finish
We will also have regular breaks during the day.
Cost Of Course:
As this is the first course of its kind we have decided to offer all participants 50% discount off the normal cost of this two day course. Instead of £360 it will cost you just £180.
For Level 1 Members and Above:
All attendees, must be Level 1 Members or above. This course is not for you if you have just received your disc or if you are using an IntroDisc, you need a regular disc or above to activate this process.
What's Included:
We will be providing refreshments during regular breaks however you should bring a packed lunch. Alternatively you are free to visit one of the many local restaurants, bistros etc.
Booking Your Place:
Please note that as with all products and services your participation is subject to the: Empower Terms & Conditions and Empower Code Of Practice.
You can book your place below using PayPal or make a direct Bank transfer using the following details:
Bank Transfer Information:
You can make a payment online or over the phone through your bank using the following details:
Account number: 04619277
Sort code: 090150
Reference: FA Course
Cost: £180
Zvikler Healing Research (UK) Ltd
11 Morley Street
M45 6GF
Once you have made a bank transfer please email: to confirm.
PayPal Payments:
You can book your place using PayPal by clicking the Buy Now button below:
© Coby Zvikler 2017 All Rights Reserved
The Empower Disc is only available through registered Empower Practitioners or through this website.
Please read our terms & conditions and privacy Policy as well as disclaimer before purchase.