Learn about our training options!

Welcome to Empower Training Services
As the Empower System is totally unique we not only provide free online training with all our devices but additional training for more advanced users in the form of live and online Zoom courses. We also provide training for distributors and demonstrators of our products and services.
Whether your simply interested in the Empower System to help you on a personal level, wish to add the Empower System to your current skill set and or wish to start a new career in as an alternative health practitioner or product demonstrator we have courses to suit your needs.
Information on free seminars and members training area
If you have any further Questions please complete the form below or call: 44 (0)161 280 3777
Please leave your details on our answering service and we will call you back as soon as possible.
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Existing Member Support Contact Form
Open Day Registration
Empower Training Centre UK
Copyright Coby Zvikler 1994 to 2023
The Empower Disc is only available through registered Empower Practitioners. The Empower Disc is not a cure or even a treatment, it is an amazing Self-Communication & Self-Healing System, we make no claims regarding a specific outcome but offer a full 30-Day Money back Guarantee. Please read our terms & conditions as well as disclaimer before purchase.