You have come to this site to find out more about a product for which some astonishing claims are being made. We know they may sound far-fetched at first, but it’s important that you keep an open mind - remember that 75 years ago, so did the idea of a computer!

What is it?
The Empower Disc is a small aluminium disc that has been ‘programmed’ by Coby Zvikler to enable you to connect with your ‘Higher Self’ - the rarely-accessed and almost impossible-to-describe ‘hidden power’ that everyone possesses, and which has the capacity to optimise every aspect of your mind and body. This is essentially the same ‘energy’ or ‘force’ to which we’re told Buddhist Monks dedicate years of study, meditation and training in search of the secret to harnessing its extraordinary power. Now, thanks to the Empower Disc you can gain access to that power almost instantly!
The Disc is self-powered through its interaction with your own energy field. It therefore should last indefinitely (we know many that are 20 years old and still going strong), and because its programmes are constantly being updated through use, there should be no need to ever replace it (unless you lose it, or give it away!)

Who is Coby Zvikler?

We believe Coby is the only ‘healer’ to have ever made his ‘special powers’ available to so many ‘patients’ simultaneously in this way - without his having to be physically present. That ‘way’ is via the Empower Disc. To hear the fascinating story of how this unique method came about, we recommend you spare a few minutes to listen to this extract from one of Coby’s recent radio interviews...
IMPORTANT! Press play and listen to Coby’s story in his own words
You’ll discover that he’s a reassuringly down-to-earth, honest and ‘ordinary’ man who discovered at a very early age that (for reasons he didn’t understand) he had been born with some very unusual powers. In later life it prompted him to dedicate nearly 25 years of research (so far) studying and honing those abilities - finding new and simpler ways to share them with us all. He is not driven by personal gain, but by a genuine desire to share his gift with as many people as possible. That’s why Empower Disc prices are always kept as low as possible.

What is the Disc programmed to do?
We need an analogy to help us here. Imagine for a moment your Higher Self is your own personal ‘internet’ which you carry around with you at all times, containing all the answers to everything you ever need to know. In order to get the maximum benefit from it you will need:
- A super-fast broadband connection
(with an unlimited data contract!) - An intelligent and intuitive web browser and search engine
(the internet’s a really big place, so you don’t stand a hope of finding what you’re looking for if you don’t know where to look!)
So Coby has programmed the Disc to provide the broadband and search engine-equivalent functions that will allow us to access the specific physical, mental and spiritual healing and development powers we need, whenever we need them! In short, the Disc
- Connects you to your Higher Self
(we call this ‘powering up’), and
- Takes you directly to the specific answers you’re seeking
(by asking your Higher Self to ‘Give me what I need...’ )
Over the past 20 years or more, Coby has also been constantly developing what we might call ‘recommended searches’:
- Programmes that provide solutions for a whole host of commonly encountered problems - a good example of this is the Personal Transformation System...
If I buy a Disc, what else do I get?
To begin with, you get an ‘instruction manual’ which explains exactly how to use and get maximum benefit from your Disc. You really are going to need to read this - it’s not like a user manual for a fridge (which is usually the first thing you throw away when you open the box!) It’s very simple to follow and guides you every step of the way.
On purchasing your Disc you become a member of the Empower Disc ‘family’, with access to a vast repository of tutorials, videos and added-value products via our members-only website. It also gives you access to members forums on Facebook that allow you share your experiences with other users, as well as benefiting from theirs.

And you get a
if you’re not completely satisfied.
How much does it cost?
Each Empower Disc takes a minimum of 3 months to programme which is why it costs £250 plus P&P. But think about it - that’s a fraction of what you might spend on a lifetime of medicines, treatments and therapists’ fees that may have been your only alternative up until now! Not only does it give you access to the amazing healing power of your Higher Self, but it comes with a library of 12 Self-help Audio Programmes (see below) with a value of over £150 on their own!
But we recognise that there are some people who would like to try the Disc whose circumstances make even this low price difficult or impossible to afford. That's why we have developed a new IntroDisc which costs just £25.00 plus P&P. This is a card-mounted hologram that has been programmed by Coby, and encased in a perspex holder for protection (see photo opposite). The hologram disc does not have the capacity to hold as many programmes as the aluminium Empower Disc, but those that are included are no less powerful because of the different medium. The IntroDisc allows you to explore some of the benefits of the Empower Disc at a very affordable price!

Upgrade Offer
The IntroDisc also comes with the option to upgrade to the full Empower Disc within 60 days for just £225 plus P&P. This means that you will only have paid £250+P&P in total - the same price as the Empower Disc on its own! And you will still have your IntroDisc which you can pass on to a friend.
What do users say?
There are hundreds of Empower Disc users all over the world from many different walks of life, including a surprising number of health care professionals. What’s important to remember is that none of them needed to believe that the Disc would work for them - because it works just as well for sceptics as it does for ‘believers’.
It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live or what you do for a living - no matter what’s troubling you, the Disc can help! We have literally hundreds of written testimonials on file. Click here to see a random selection....

It’s not the Disc itself that provides any healing that takes place. That comes from the amazing power and energy that lies deep within you! The Disc’s function is merely to help you connect with that energy - perhaps for the first time in your life - and then focus and harness it to help you achieve the specific outcome you seek or need. We wish you every success on that journey!
© Coby Zvikler 2017 All Rights Reserved
The Empower Disc is only available through registered Empower Practitioners or through this website. Please read our terms & conditions as well as disclaimer before purchase.