It’s been too long since our last one, so I’m happy to begin this Newsletter with a warm invitation to our next OPEN DAY here at Whitefield, Manchester on Sunday, 2nd July - it should be a great afternoon!
I’ll be talking about all the latest Empower therapies, treatments and techniques, and the world of new opportunities they provide for your Health & Wellbeing, as well as explaining how you can make the most of them! You’ll hear about the new EMPOWER MAP that plots your journey to becoming the best possible version of you.
I’m also going to be talking about the YES/NO Method of communicating with your Higher Self. This will be a fascinating insight into a whole new dimension that greets you when you upgrade to Level 2 of Empower Disc membership.
As usual there will be demonstrations and lots of opportunities to talk and ask questions, but please book your place VERY SOON - places are strictly limited, and going fast!
As you will be aware, 2016 was not a great year for Empower. Some of the decisions I made in the lead up to it backfired spectacularly and not only caused us to lose momentum, but also our credibility was significantly undermined. The team from YIN had laudable intentions, enthusiastically promising great things, whilst I saw an opportunity to spend more time developing the Empower System by handing over control for sales and marketing in the UK to the new team. As we are all now aware, the reality did not match the promise.
The contract with YIN was therefore not renewed at the beginning of this year, and since that time I have been working towards regenerating Empower with a realistic business plan that is manageable, controllable and that, most importantly, will introduce Empower Therapy to people we have never reached before.
Now, in stark contrast to what happened last year I’m ASKING FOR YOUR HELP!
With help from my friends and colleagues I have been working hard, honing the website to make it 'newbie friendly' – so that it communicates the Empower story succinctly enough to allow visitors to make the transition from totally 'cold' visitor, to Empower Disc user – potentially in just one visit!
Only time will tell whether we have been successful, but it’s clear that the most important thing we need right now is VISITORS!

That's why we have designed a series of 'posts' that I am really hoping you will agree to share with ALL of your social media contacts (not just your 'Empower friends').
These posts deliberately make no claims for the product or the system – they simply direct people who may be experiencing specific problems to our website. This means that sharing these posts does not automatically imply that you are endorsing the product. Instead, you are simply making your friends aware that there is a website that may be able to offer them help.
Initially there are 4 messages (see opposite) which I would love you to share over the next few weeks. I’ll be posting them one at a time on the Empower Disc User Group Facebook page and the hope is that your friends will also share them, and that this way we can start to build a strong new network of contacts.
The simple act of sharing these posts (and any that follow) can really make a MASSIVE DIFFERENCE to our chances of success: if you had just 10 ‘friends’ (I’m sure you’ll have many more than that!) with whom you shared each one, and each of them had ten more who shared them too, and so on - your ten very quickly become thousands!
I’m really grateful for you making this special effort to help us help thousands of others!

With best wishes from Coby.
PS: I very much hope to see as many of you as possible at the OPEN DAY on 2nd July!
© Coby Zvikler 2017 All Rights Reserved
The Empower Disc is only available through registered Empower Practitioners or through this website.
Please read our terms & conditions as well as disclaimer before purchase.