Introducing Open Day Seminars by: Coby Zvikler
I started my healing career at the tender age of two-and-a-half so it is second nature to me. I could always see and do things that I later discovered others could not and I have spent my entire life trying to understand why and how these abilities work.
For the past 24 years people from around the world use and trust the technology I have created because of what it has done for them. They experience their body spontaneously moving as it corrects physical as well as emotional issues but because they cannot see, only experience, it is my job to try to explain what is happening.
If you are interested in understanding how truly amazing you are, I would like to invite you to attend an Open Day Seminar, where I will show you how the Empower Therapy System works!

Seminar Information
Open Days usually take place on a Sunday afternoon from 2:00pm till 5:30pm at our UK training centre in Manchester, click here for the address. Registration is at: 2:00pm for a prompt start at 2:30pm. Please note that the main doors will be closed at 2:25pm and no access will be available after that time. Due to the usual volume of people at these events all attendees’ must pre-register online, which saves time on arrival (see registration link below).
This Open day is available to everyone whether they have an Empower Disc or not however it is, first come first served, and subject to our online terms and conditions.
Empower For Beginners Itinerary
2:00PM: Registration
2:30pm: Coby Zvikler Demo on how the Empower Therapy System works
3:30pm: Questions & Answers
4:30pm: Finish
Note: The above is subject to change.
Cost Of Seminar:
The seminar is FREE the first time you attend and or if you bring a friend who has never tried the system. If you have attended the course before and are not bring someone new then there is a nominal charge of just £10.
The Next Event:
The next Open Day Beginners Seminar to be announced.
Please register below:

this link will activate when the next available date is announced
© Coby Zvikler 2017 All Rights Reserved
The Empower Disc is only available through registered Empower Practitioners or through this website.
Please read our terms & conditions as well as disclaimer before purchase.