“Years of experimenting, soul-searching and just plain hard work lie behind Coby Zvikler’s approach to healing. This therapy is admirable, first because it does not impose any philosophical or religious set of beliefs on anyone using it, nor does it place responsibility for healing in the hands of any but the person seeking it.” Leslie Kenton - Best Selling Author
Mike Shaw
I'm a Builder and I'm Empowered
Catherine Ashton
I'm a Student and I'm Empowered
I am intrigued at the sensations I experienced. I felt tingling sensations, very hot hands and I seem to smile all the time, generally feeling happy in myself and enthusiastic... I have just done the 'unblocking your chakras' exercise. It's great, and didn't take that long! The sensations were lovely - little shudders here and there... When I cleansed my Aura it was amazing - I felt a real coolness surrounding me, like a light breeze, really lovely!
C. K. , Western Australia
Having lived with the pain and discomfort for so long with my frozen shoulder, I had forgotten what it was like to be pain free and enjoy the freedom of movement we all take for granted
D. N., Altrincham
I have been meditating for 20 years and have accomplished more in one week with the Disc than in all that time... The negative chatter-box in my head seems to have been replaced by a quite peaceful stillness...
C. T., Liverpool
My head moved from side to side, my leg started bending and I began to shake and then the pain went..(muscular back pain for 10 years)
H. B., Manchester
Dr Daniel Rubins
I'm a Consultant and I'm Empowered
Melanie Williams
I'm a Professional Singer and I'm Empowered
When I first tried the Empower Disc I was somewhat intrigued and mystified by my own body's reactions on an involuntary basis. I was amazed! Now I feel much, much better. I have used it nearly every day since I joined the research programme in mid March '97. I use it for stress-relief, arthritis, energy boosting and daily confidence and self-assertion as well as body corrections. A few minutes a day seems to work wonders” (diagnosed with osteoarthritis in the neck)"
P. B., Cheshire
There were spontaneous body movements into twisted stances. I had a feeling of being around (not outside) my body. Now I'm doing spontaneous muscle-tightening movements and have improved my body shape and posture. My condition now is much calmer, and I have improved digestion. “I'm 47 and have spent a lot of money, time and energy on all kinds of health 'cures'. The worst thing was the disappointment when they didn't work. This was worth my last try! Interestingly I cut my hand gardening yesterday and 'commanded' it to stop bleeding - it did! This is good because it require no beliefs, self denial, diets, discipline or huge payments” (suffered arthritis mainly in hips, knees and hand area for 17 years. Autoimmune problems, ME, Dry Eye, Eczema, panic attacks. Previously tried hypnosis, homeopathy, naturopath, vitamins, Ayur Veda)
Mrs S., Cheshire
My lower back began to twist on its own and over the next 5 minutes 90% of the pain disappeared. All I can say is it's a miracle! (trapped nerve in neck and lower back)
A. B., Lancs
I can walk much better, I feel I could walk for miles! During the process I felt very relaxed and confident, now I feel 10 years younger... (hip, knee and neck problems, arthritis)
C.A., Lancs
Richard Landy
I had a slipped Disc but now I'm Empowered
I was born with dislocated hips and this has helped me.
My shoulders were in alignment following treatment, whereas before they were not in a straight line..(shoulder/disc out of alignment for 17 years)
B. B., Bury, Lancs
When I first tried the Empower Disc I was somewhat intrigued and mystified by my own body's reactions on an involuntary basis. I was amazed! Now I feel much, much better. I have used it nearly every day since I joined the research programme in mid March '97. I use it for stress-relief, arthritis, energy boosting and daily confidence and self-assertion as well as body corrections. A few minutes a day seems to work wonders... (diagnosed with osteoarthritis in the neck)"
P. B., Cheshire
I found it a very strange experience, one that sounded fantastical, verging on a con, but nonetheless it quite clearly worked in some way. I thought initially that it might be hypnosis, but once I tried it out I realised that it didn't seem to be the whole story. I could feel my energy moving through me, it felt right! I am fascinated and impressed. It's like a moving meditation
S. B., London
My initial response to the idea was ‘unbelievable’. I felt good when I tried the Empower Disc. It was working on my shoulder and people standing around me could see my shoulder go back. It also worked on my lower back problem. I feel overall much more confident since I started using Empower Therapy. Everyone has noticed a change in me... (lower back disc problems, suffered from severe pain)
C. C., London
Claire Ryan
I'm Feeling Really Empowered
My Name is Jo
I had Endometriosis of the Ovaries and now I don't!
I had an accident as a child which was not treated properly. The pain has got worse as I've got older and it's been strong for about 40 years now. I had an open mind when I was introduced to the Empower Disc, and found it very interesting. I now feel as if I have benefited from the healing, it feels more physical than other healing methods....
L. F., Manchester
I had tried spiritual healing before, but I felt wonderful when I first tried the Em-Power Disc. Afterwards, I felt more confident in myself and was able to cope better with things. It would be good if everyone knew about this. "I don't know why but I seem to be eating a lot healthier, I'm not longing for chocolate and cakes all the time and I have lost weight, which I am really pleased with. The Empower Disc is certainly magical. I have had both healing and 'spontaneous writing' since last Sunday... (migraine and headaches)
W. H., Surrey
)I went from initial scepticism to sheer amazement watching the effect on other people. Then to experience it myself, it felt incredible. "On a subtle level I feel as though it has made a difference to my life. I have more inner confidence, especially at work. I feel more creative and more buoyant about the future.... (history of back problems
J. H., Cheshire
When I tried the Disc it was as if my awareness extended beyond my physical self. It is the most powerful thing I have ever encountered. It puts you in touch with the universal consciousness, which will teach, guide and help you become the best you can be. It helped me stop smoking, but this connection will help with anything you ask for. I now feel wonderful, empowered. I am changed forever
S. M., Kings Lynn
© Coby Zvikler 1993 - 2023 All Rights Reserved
The Empower Disc is only available through registered Empower Practitioners or through this website.
Please read our terms & conditions and privacy Policy as well as disclaimer before purchase.